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The 5 World’s Most Popular Milk

 The 5 World’s Most Popular Animal Milk


According to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization in 2024there is 5 Worlds Most Popular Animal Milk in 2022. Basically, milk is a white, nutritious liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. In our daily life, because of the advancement of technology, animal milk is also processed into various products such as butter, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, sweetened condensed milk, milk powder, and others for human consumption. So, basically, consumers have multiple choices about the different milk products.

The Top 5 World's Most Popular Animal Milk

Milk is certainly needed by humans to help meet nutritional needs to improve the quality of life. Nutritionally, milk is a highly nutritious food ingredient because fresh milk contains a variety of complete and balanced food substances such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. So, basically, most of the human ever consume the milk because of nutritional content, and it’s good the body and support our lives.

In general, there are several types of milk that are most popular in the world based on the mammals, ranging from cow, camel, buffalo, and sheep. these animals are bred and reared with appropriate management to produce quality milk that human wants. With the production of quality milk, it is certainly able to support human development efforts in the future. Statistically, here are some of the most popular types of milk in the world based on the mammals that produce them. This data was obtained from the FAO Statistical Database (FAOStats) in 2022.

Table Rank of 5 World’s Most Popular Animal Milk


Source of Milk

Production of Milk in 2022



Cattle’s Milk

753 million


Buffalo’s Milk

143 million


Goat Milk

19.1 million


Sheep Milk

10.9 million


Camel Milk

4.1 million

Source : FAO Statistical Database, 2024

Brief Description of 5 World’s Most Popular Milk


1.Cattle’s Milk        

Cow milk is still the most popular milk in from time to time. Many people love it.  In 2022, based on data from FAO, milk production from cow reached 753 million tons. In general, there are several species of cattle such as Holstein Friesians which are the main source of milk production. These Holsten cattle come from European countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, France, and their populations have spread all over the world. In addition to the Holsten species, there are several other types of cows for milk production, namely Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey, Milking Shorthorn.

The 10 World's Largest Country Producers of Cattle's Milk

Based on statistical production, there are several countries that produce the highest cow’s milk in the world. These countries include the India with production reaching 108 million tons, followed by USA with the production of 102 million tonsBrazil 35 million tons, China 35 million tons, Russia 32 million tons, Germany 32 million tons, France 23 million tons, Pakistan 22 million tons, New Zealand 21 million tons, and Turkey with 19.9 million tons.


2. Buffalo's Milk

The 10 World's Largest Country Producers of Buffalo's Milk in 2022

Buffalo’s milk is ranked 2nd World’s most produced of Milk. Its production in 2022 reached 143 million tons. Statistically, based on FAO data in 2022, there are several countries that produce the highest buffalo milk, namely India with production reaching 99 million tons, followed by Pakistan with the production of 37 million tons, China 2 million tons, Egypt 1.2 million tons, Nepal 1.4 million tons, Banglaedesh 326 thousand tons, Italy 254 million tons, Iran 128 million tons, Mongolia 115 million tons, and Myanmar 100 million tons. In the world, there are some species of Buffalo as dairy production. These species are Murrah, Nili-Ravi, Kundi, Surti, Jaffarabadi, Bhadawari, and Mehsana.


3. Goat's Milk

The 10 World's Largest Country Producers of Goat's Milk in 2022

 Goat’s milk is the 3rd world’s most produced of animal milk.  Overall, the production of goat milk reaches 19.1 million tons. Based on the FAO statistical database in 2022, there are some countries with the biggest production of goat milk. These countries are India with a production of 6 million tons, followed by Sudan 1.1 million tons, Pakistan 1 million tons, Bangladesh 915 thousand tons, France 717 thousand tons, Turkey 540 thousand tons, Spain 428 thousand tons, South Sudan 517 thousand tons, Netherlands 445 thousand tons, and India 370 thousand tons. According to the genetic species, there are some species of goat that are commonly used for daily milk production. These are Alphine, LaMancha, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, and Toggenburg.


4. Sheep's Milk

The 10 World's Largest Country Producers of Sheep's Milk in 2022

Sheep’s milk also become another animal milk. In 2022, the dairy products from the sheep around 10.9 million tons. Statistically, there are some regions/countries with the biggest production of sheep milk. These countries are China with the production of milk reach 1.1 million tons, followed by Turkiye with 1 million Tons, Greece 956 thousand tons, Syrian Arab Republic 706 thousand tons, Algeria 547 thousand tons, Spain 545 thousand tons, Italy 477 thousand tons, Sudan 414 thousand tons, Romania 404 thousand tons, Iran 399 thousand tons. Some popular species of dairy sheep are East Friesian, Lacunae, British Milk Sheep, Chios, Awassi, Assaf, Zwartbles.

5. Camel's Milk

The 10 World's Largest Country Producers of Camel's Milk in 2022

Camel also has become one of most popular animal milks in 2023  with the production of milk reaching 4.1 million tons all over the world. Statistically, there are some countries with the biggest production of camel milk. These countries are Kenya 1 million tons, Somalia 987 thousand tons, Pakistan 944 thousand tons, Mali 294 thousand tons, Ethiopia 220 thousand tons, Saudi Arabia 135 thousand tons, Niger 106 thousand tons, United Arab Emirates 79 thousand tons, Sudan 62 thousand tons, and Chad 35 thousand tons. Commonly, milk from camel is the source of milk in the arid region because some dairy cows cannot survive in the hot and arid region. Statistically, many African regions that have dry regions rely on camels as a source of milk.  Some popular species of camel, namely dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius) and Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) are some popular camels species as milk production.

Bibliography of the 5 World’s Most Popular Milk

FAO. 2023. Gateway to dairy production and products. Accessed via http://www.fao.org/dairy-production-products/production/dairy-animals/buffaloes/en/ on October 2, 2022.

Robert. J.V.S., Lynn Kime and Jayso k.H.2008.Dairy Goat Production. Accessed via https://extension.psu.edu/dairy-goat-production  on October 1, 2021.

Wikipedia. 2021.Sheep milk. Accessed via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheep_milk  on October 2, 2021.

Midwest Dairy. 2021.Dairy Cows. accessed via https://www.midwestdairy.com/sustainability/farm-life/dairy-cows/  on October 2, 2021.

FAO. 2021. Gateway to dairy production and products (Camels). Accessed via http://www.fao.org/dairy-production-products/production/dairy-animals/camels/en/  on October 2, 2021.


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