10 World’s Biggest Pepper Producers- According FAO Statistical Corporate Database (FAOSTAT) in 2023, there are 10 World’s Biggest Producers of Pepper in 2021. Functionally, pepper can be known as multifunction in supporting human life. Many people used and processed these aromatic plants as food spice, medicinal substance, and some agrochemical products. In terms of pharmacy industries, some pepper treats several diseases such as urological problems, skin, liver and stomach ailments. In addition, Piper species has positive affect on natural antioxidants and antimicrobial agents in food preservation.

Taxonomically, these plants are belonged to Order: Piperales; Family: Piperaceae; Subfamily: Piperoideae. The Piperaceae family includes members of flowering plants in the form of shrubs, often climbs using sticky roots, and has a characteristic that the leaves often smell aromatic or spicy taste.
In the world’s, the production and harvested areas of peppers is in increasing trends. It can be seen from the statistic from 1970 to 2021. In the year of 1970, the world’s harvested areas of pepper are just only 194,511 hectares (ha) with world’s production of pepper reached 102,611 tons. After more than 50 years, exactly in the year of 2021, the world’s harvested areas became 678,215 hectares (ha) with world’s production of pepper reached 793,818 tons.
The World’s Production and Harvested Areas of Pepper From 1970 to 2021
Years | World’s Harvested Areas of Pepper | World’s Production of Pepper |
(Hectare(ha)) | Tons | |
1970 | 194,511 | 102,611 |
1971 | 202,499 | 110,391 |
1972 | 197,791 | 114,039 |
1973 | 203,520 | 121,567 |
1974 | 204,143 | 128,361 |
1975 | 201,462 | 127,045 |
1976 | 207,613 | 156,081 |
1977 | 212,691 | 154,930 |
1978 | 194,696 | 168,612 |
1979 | 224,533 | 168,164 |
1980 | 228,163 | 178,582 |
1981 | 234,175 | 161,581 |
1982 | 232,248 | 166,326 |
1983 | 233,703 | 152,387 |
1984 | 232,102 | 154,701 |
1985 | 229,024 | 142,564 |
1986 | 252,422 | 170,122 |
1987 | 268,836 | 172,893 |
1988 | 312,319 | 229,968 |
1989 | 337,248 | 249,622 |
1990 | 354,453 | 287,865 |
1991 | 359,202 | 284,310 |
1992 | 361,098 | 242,499 |
1993 | 372,598 | 243,548 |
1994 | 361,773 | 224,636 |
1995 | 364,095 | 238,479 |
1996 | 381,320 | 240,434 |
1997 | 358,778 | 237,286 |
1998 | 374,352 | 258,685 |
1999 | 441,730 | 304,940 |
2000 | 419,518 | 315,081 |
2001 | 466,817 | 359,407 |
2002 | 494,400 | 398,980 |
2003 | 517,614 | 421,771 |
2004 | 534,893 | 426,981 |
2005 | 523,388 | 446,973 |
2006 | 636,663 | 467,242 |
2007 | 620,789 | 461,805 |
2008 | 567,250 | 446,041 |
2009 | 612,656 | 457,981 |
2010 | 563,053 | 418,346 |
2011 | 541,403 | 419,451 |
2012 | 558,557 | 414,340 |
2013 | 502,494 | 453,876 |
2014 | 520,369 | 491,394 |
2015 | 555,561 | 547,124 |
2016 | 592,734 | 592,321 |
2017 | 601,467 | 668,724 |
2018 | 670,122 | 785,839 |
2019 | 659,594 | 784,041 |
2020 | 679,561 | 781,638 |
2021 | 678,215 | 793,818 |
Source : FAOSTAT, 2023 |
Statistically, in continental region, there are some main area of pepper cultivations. Geographically, based on the continent regions, Asia and American continent still become the major area of cultivations. Asia contributes 71% of World production around 567 thousand tons of Pepper in 2021. Meanwhile, Americas contributes 17% of World Production around 134 thousand tons. Africa and Oceania still minor production with 91 thousand tons and 129 tons of pepper, respectively. Overall, the World’s Production of Pepper in 2021 reached 793 thousand tons with harvested area around 678 thousand hectares (Ha).

Based on the Country regions, there are 10 World’s Biggest Pepper Production. These data came from FAO Statistical Corporate Database (FAOSTAT) in 2023. Here is the Rank of Pepper production based on the Country.
Table Rank of 10 World’s Biggest Pepper Producers
Rank | Countries | Production of Pepper in 2021 |
(Tons) | ||
1 | Viet Nam | 288,167 |
2 | Brazil | 118,057 |
3 | Indonesia | 81,219 |
4 | Burkina Faso | 67,983 |
5 | India | 64,816 |
6 | Sri Lanka | 42,485 |
7 | China, mainland | 33,133 |
8 | Malaysia | 31,636 |
9 | Tajikistan | 21,269 |
10 | Mexico | 9,841 |
Source : FAOSTAT, 2023 |
Brief Description of 10 World’s Biggest Pepper Producers
Vietnam still became the biggest producer of Pepper in 2021. According to FAO Statistical Corporate Database (FAOSTAT) of 2023, the production of pepper from Vietnam reached 288,167 tons. Geographically, in Vietnam, there are some biggest cultivation areas of peppers. These located in some provinces, namely Dak Lak, Dak Nang, Dong Nai, Bihn Phuoc, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Gia Lai. Most of the cultivation of pepper are concentrated in Central Highlands and Southern region. Based on the cultivars, there are some kind peppers plated in Vietnam. Statistically, these are Black pepper, White pepper, ground pepper, red pepper, and green pepper.
2. Brazil
Brazil is the second-biggest producer of Pepper in 2021 and biggest producers from America Continent. According to FAO Statistical Corporate Database (FAOSTAT) in 2021, the production of Pepper from Samba Country (Brazil) reached 118,057 tons. Geographically, the pepper cultivation in Brazil located in some state. These main cultivation states are Para, Espirito Santo, Bahia, Maranhao. Based on the cultivars, Black Pepper (Piper ningrum) is the most popular pepper in Brazil. Some of the productions of Pepper from Brazil are exported to some countries around Europe and American region/ continent.
Indonesia still became the biggest three of pepper producer in the world. According to FAO Statistical Corporate Database in 2023, the production of Pepper from Indonesia reached 81,219 tons in 2021. Geographically, there are main are of pepper production in this country. The province of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Lampung, Sumatera Selatan, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara are some provinces in Indonesia that have the biggest production of Pepper. Based on the type of pepper, Black pepper, White pepper, green pepper, and red pepper are some of the cultivars which was planted in some Indonesia regions.
4. Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso still one of the world’s largest producers of pepper. According to FAO Statistical Corporate Database (FAOSTAT), the production pepper from Burkina Faso reached 67,983 tons in 2021.
India is the fifth biggest producer of Pepper. Statistically, the production of Pepper from India reached 64,816 tons in 2021. Geographically, in India, there are some states that become the main area of Pepper cultivation. Some states are Kerala, Karnataka, Assam, Tamil Nandu. Of all the states, Kerala and Karnataka still become the main contributor to India’s Pepper production. Specifically, Kerala contributes more than 50% and Karnataka around 35% to national production.
6.Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is the sixth biggest producer of Pepper. Statistically, the production of Pepper from Sri Lanka reached 42,485 tons in 2021. Geographically, there are some districts in Sri Lanka that has become the main cultivation area of pepper. Matale, Kandy, Kegalle, Badulla, Ratnapura, Monaragala, and Kurunegala are some districts in Sri Lanka that become the backbone of Pepper production in Sri Lanka
7.China, mainland
China is seventh-biggest producer of Pepper in the World. According to FAO Statistical Database in 2021, the production of Pepper from China reached 33,131 tons. Geographically, there are some provinces in China that become the main area of Pepper. Some provinces are Guizhou, Henan, Yunnan, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shandong, Guangdong, Liaoning.
8. Malaysia
Malaysia is the seventh-biggest producer of Pepper in 2020. Based on the FAO Statistical Database in 2021, the production of Pepper from Malaysia reached 33,133 tons. Statistically, Sarawak region still become the major area of Pepper cultivation in Malaysia. Around 90% of Pepper in Malaysia come from Sarawak. Genetically, Kuching cultivar is one of the popular peppers planted in Sarawak.
Tajikistan is the eighth-biggest producer of Pepper in 2021. According to FAO Statistical Database in 2023, the production of Pepper from Tajikistan reached 21,269 tons.
Mexico is the 10th biggest producer of Pepper in 2021. According to FAO Statistical Database in 2020, the production of Pepper from Mexico reached 9,841 tons. Geographically, in Mexico, there are some states which has huge contribution to National pepper production in Mexico. These states are Veracruz, Tabasco, Chiapas, Puebla, and Oaxaca. Based on the cultivar, White, Black, and Green are some of the planted peppers in Mexico.
Bibliography of 10 World’s Biggest Pepper Producers
FAOSTAT. 2023.Production of Pepper (piper spp.): top ten producers. Accessed via https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QCL/visualize on May 2nd, 2023.
Agri exchange. 2022. India Production of Pepper. Accessed via https://agriexchange.apeda.gov.in/India%20Production/India_Productions.aspx?hscode=1096 on June 2nd, 2022.
K-Agriculture. 2022. Vietnam pepper production industry: Towards sustainable development accessed via https://k-agriculture.com/vietnam-pepper-production-industry-towards-sustainable-development/ on June 2nd, 2022.
Federative Republic of Brazil. 2011. Brazil Country Paper in Pepper Production, Processing and Trade. accessed via http://www.ipcnet.org/admin/data/ses/1329380831thumb.pdf on June 2nd, 2022.