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The 10 Indonesia's Largest Provinces Producing Durian

 The 10 Indonesia's Largest Provinces Producing Durian

The 10 Indonesia's Largest Provinces Producing Durian- Durian is one of edible fruits with its uniqueness. Many people from East-Asia familiar with these fruits and they love with the taste. Taxonomically, durian can be included in Kingdom: Plantae; Order: Malvales; Family: Malvaceae; Subfamily: Helicteroideae; Tribe: Durioneae; Genus: Durio; Species: Durio zibethinus.

The 10 Indonesia's Largest Provinces Producing Durian

Durian is a seasonal tropical fruit from Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia). On the characteristics of fruits, the ripe durian fruit has its unique taste, aroma. Physically, this fruit is covered by spine.

There are dozens of durians that are recognized for their superiority in Indonesia. Kinds of Indonesia durian varieties are abundant with different taste. In Indonesia, Since the flowering time to ripening Fruits of Durian, it takes 5 Months more or less. The Flowering time begins in the late of rainy season, around February to March. But in Indonesia, the harvesting time has varied from one location to the others. In Medan, North Sumatra dan Aceh, the harvesting time began in July to August, meanwhile, Jawa Tengah (central Java) dan Jawa Timur (East Java) usually has harvesting period in February to March.

Scientifical Name of Durian Plant

In terms of geographical plantation region, durian plantation has spread over in all areas of province with different cultivars and taste. Statistically, in 2020, according to BPS-Statistic of Indonesia, the production of Durian in Indonesia reaches 1.13 million Tons with the main area of durian plantation have spread over in the several provinces in Indonesia. In this country, durian is produced mostly by the small-scale farmers and the role of farmers has indispensable in Durian Productions.

Here are 10 Largest Province of Indonesia with Durian Production where you can find the abundant of durian fruits when the harvesting time has come. The data is obtained by BPS-Statistic Indonesia in 2020. The Statistic Institution of Indonesian Government.


Table Rank of 10 Indonesia's Largest Provinces Producing Durian in 2020




Production of Durian in 2020



JAWA TIMUR / East Java



JAWA TENGAH / Central Java









JAWA BARAT / West Java



BANTEN / Banten






ACEH / Aceh



BALI / Bali



MALUKU / Maluku


Source : BPS-Statistics Indonesia, 2020



Brief Description of 10 Indonesia's Largest Provinces Producing Durian


1.Jawa Timur / East Java            

Jawa Timur becomes the largest province in Indonesia as durian Production. The production of this province in 2020 reach 275,795 tons. In this province of Indonesia, Jawa timur has several kind of durians i.e., Durian Merah from Banyuwangi, Durian Kembang in Lumajang, Durian Rindu in Trenggalek, Durian Kawuk Kabupaten Madiun, and Durian Mrico and Lurik from Mojokerto. In this province also, there are place that some tourist can hunt Jawa Timur durian. You can visit Agrowisata Bhakti Alam in Pasuruan, Desa Wisata Durensari in Trenggalek, Kampung Durian Songgon in Banyuwangi, and Kebun Durian Wagir in Malang.

2.Jawa Tengah / Central Java    

Jawa Tengah or Central Java is the second biggest production in Indonesia. In 2020, the production of Durian from this province reaches 138,100 tons. In this province, there are species of durian i.e., Durian Bawor from Banyumas, Durian Candimulyo from Magelang, Durian Mimang from Banjarnegara, Durian Lolong from Pekalongan, and Durian Brongkol from Semarang.

3. Sumatera Barat / West Sumatra        

Sumatra Barat/ West Sumatera is the third biggest production durian in Indonesia. In 2020, the production of Durian reaches 131,430 tons. Statistically, there are nine regencies/cities in West Sumatra namely as durian producers, Padang Pariaman, Pesisir Selatan, Agam, Tanah Datar, Dhamasraya, Solok Regency, South Solok, Pasaman and Solok City. Some of durian cultivars from Sumatera Barat are durian Solsel Tepi Lubang, Durian Bulek, and Durian Kunyit.

4. Sulawesi Selatan / South Sulawesi     

Sulawesi Selatan or South Sulawesi is the fourth biggest of durian producer in Indonesia. In 2020, the production of durian reaches 73,910 tons. In this province there are several areas of durian production. These areas are Enrekang, Binuang (Pinrang - Polewali Mandar), Sidrap, and Luwu.

5.Jawa Barat / West Java           

Jawa Barat are the next biggest of durian producers in Indonesia. In 2020, the production of durian from pasundan land around 73,017 tons. In this province, there are some famous durians.  Some of them are Matahari comes from Cimanggu, durian bokor from Majalengka dan durian ajimah from Ciomas.


Banten is another province in Java Island that has biggest production of Durian. In 2020, the production of durian from Banten reach 32,488 tons. Some of durian from Banten are Si Tembaga, Si Wong, Ketanjaya, Si Fajar and the other durian cultivars.

7. Sumatera Selatan / South Sumatra   

Sumatera Selatan is one of the biggest producers of Durian from Sumatera Island. In 2020, the production of Durian from this province reaches 30,334 tons. Some of famous durian from this province are   Durian Tembaga from Empat Lawang regency, Durian Bantal Mas from Lahat regency, dan Durian Hutan from Musi Banyuasin Regency.

8. Aceh              

Aceh is the biggest one from Sumatera with production of Durian reach 28,018 tons.  durian leupung are one of the famous durians from Aceh

9. Bali

Bali are the ninth biggest durian producers. The production of durian in 2020 reach 26,479 tons. Georaphically there are some regions of Durian cultivation area in Bali. These areas are   Pupuan village, Tabanan Regency.

10. Maluku

Maluku is the 10th biggest producers of durian in Indonesia. The production of Durian reaches 21,974 tons. One of durian from Maluku is durian soya comes from Ambon Maluku.


The Summary of 10 Indonesia's Largest Provinces Producing Durian

The Rank of 10 Indonesia's Largest Provinces Producing Durian


Bibliography 10 Indonesia's Largest Provinces Producing Durian


Statistics Indonesia. 2021.Production of Fruits 2020. Accessed via https://www.bps.go.id/indicator/55/62/1/produksi-tanaman-buah-buahan.html  on October 14, 2021.

Wikipedia. 2021. Durian. Accessed via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durian  on October 13, 2021

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