10 World’s Biggest Wholesale and Retail Cooperatives-According to the Report from International Cooperative Alliance (ICCOP) entitled “World Cooperative Monitor (Exploring the cooperative economy REPORT 2022)”, there are 10 World’s Biggest Wholesale and Retail Cooperatives in 2020. This report basically arranged the rank of the wholesale and Retail cooperative across the world which has billion of US Dollars turnover in 2020.

Principally, a cooperative is an autonomous and solidarity union of persons that unite voluntarily to achieve the same economic, social, and cultural goal and aspirations. Basically, cooperative commonly has the goal to improve its members’ life economically. These cooperatives basically owned by people (members) and the director, or the supervisor of the cooperative is selected by people (members) as a stakeholder. In retail and wholesale industries, there are 10 World’s Biggest Wholesale and Retail Cooperatives
From the published report, there are of 59 big retail and wholesale cooperatives. Of all databases, there are 10 World’s Biggest Retail and Wholesale Cooperatives. Here is the rank of 10 World’s Biggest Cooperatives. All of the data was obtained from “World Cooperative Monitor (Exploring the cooperative economy REPORT 2022)” by International Cooperative Alliance (ICOOP).
The Rank of World’s Biggest Wholesale and Retail Cooperatives
Rank | Wholesale and retail Cooperatives | Origin | Turnover in 2020 | Number of Employees |
(Billion US Dollar($)) | in 2020 | |||
1 | REWE Group | Germany | 77.93 | 256,162 |
2 | ACDLEC Leclerc | France | 54.83 | 140,000 |
3 | Edeka Zentrale | Germany | 44.27 | 402,000 |
4 | Coop Swiss | Switzerland | 32.14 | 90,825 |
5 | Migros | Switzerland | 31.89 | 120,551 |
6 | Système U | France | 25.7 | 73,000 |
7 | Conad | Italy | 18.22 | 65,772 |
8 | Coop Italia | Italy | 16.45 | 57,450 |
9 | Co-operative Group Limited | United Kingdom | 14.71 | 65,218 |
10 | John Lewis Partnership PLC | United Kingdom | 13.81 | 80,900 |
Source : World Cooperative Monitor (2020), International Cooperative Alliance |
Brief Descriptions of 10 World’s Biggest Wholesale and Retail Cooperatives

1.REWE Group
The Revisionsverband der Westkauf-Genossenschaften (REWE) Group is a German retail Cooperative that has a main office in Cologne, Germany. Overall, Rewe Group became the world’s biggest Wholesale and Retail Cooperative in 2020.. Historically, Rewe started the business in 1927. Financially in 2020, The RWE group has a turnover around 77.93 billion US$. Along with business development, The Rewe has 256,162 of Employees.

Based on the trading business, Rewe Group has some supermarkets and chain stores. Some of them are REWE (supermarket in Germany), BILLA (supermarket in Austria), Penny (supermarket in Germany, Austria, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, nahkauf (convenience store in Germany), toom BauMarkt (A DIY/home improvement chain), Billa Plus (supermarket chain in Austria), BIPA (health and beauty retail chain in Austria and in Croatia), REWE Ihr Kaufpark (supermarket chain in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany), and Palink (supermarket chain in Lithuania).
2.ACDLEC Leclerc

E.Leclerc is a French cooperative society that was founded by Édouard Leclerc on 1948. To Date, this company has main office in Ivry-sur-Seine, France. E.Lecrec still became the 2nd world’s biggest wholesale and retail cooperative in 2020. Based on its business, E.Leclerc has some business in trading and retail. This cooperative has some discount store, hypermarket, supercenter, superstore. Some of the outlet and business center of E.Leclerc are L’auto (Car Garage), Brico, Le Prou Construction, Espace Culturel, Jardin, Location, Manège à Bijoux, Optique, Parapharmacie, Sport, Station-Service, UNE HEURE POUR SOI, Bornes électriques, Animalerie, Jouets, and Occasion. Financially, in 2020, E.Leclerc cooperative has turnover around 54.83billion US$ with 140,000 of Employees.
3.Edeka Zentrale

The Edeka Group is German retail cooperative that has main office in Hamburg, Germany. Historically, this cooperative was founded in 1907. In terms of its business, Edeka has some stores including Bringmeister, nah und gut, EDEKA aktiv markt, EDEKA neukauf, EDEKA, EDEKA center (E-Center), EDEKA C&C Großmarkt, and EDEKA Großverbraucherservice. Financially, in 2020, the Edeka Zentrale has turnover around 44.27 billion US$ and has 402,000 of Employees.
4.Coop Swiss

Coop (Switzerland) is a Retail and Wholesale cooperative that has a main office in Basel, Switzerland in 1969. Historically, Jean Jenny-Ryffel found this cooperative. Along with business development, Coop (Switzerland) has 2,333 sales outlets throughout Switzerland and has employed around 90,825 of people. Financially, in 2020, Coop Swiss has a turnover around 32.14 billion US Dollar.

Migros is the retail and wholesale that has main office in Zürich, Switzerland. Historically, this cooperative was founded by Gottlieb Duttweiler on 1925. Based on its, there are some companies that owned by Migros. These companies have diversified business in different sectors. Basically, these companies include Aproz, Bischofszell, Delica, Estavayer Lait SA (ELSA), Frey, Jowa, La Risiera, Mibelle, Micarna, Midor, and Mifroma. Along with business development in 2020, Migros has employed around 120,551 of people with a turnover around 31.89 billion US Dollar.
6.Système U

Système U is French retail cooperative that has main office in Rungis, France. Historically, this Système U was founded on 1894. Based on business, this cooperative has some subsidiary companies including Super U, Marché U, Super U, Utile. All of these companies engaged in Retail industries. Financially, in 2020, Système U has turnover around 25.7 billion US Dollar and this cooperative has employed around 73,000 of people.

Conad is Italian retail and Wholesale cooperative that has its main office in Bologna, Italy. Historically, Conad was founded on 1962. In addition to the grocery stores, Conad has some stores in “Parafarmacia Conad” (pharmacies), “PetStore Conad” (zoo shop), “Conad Self 24h” (petrol station stores) and “Ottico Conad” (optician). Financially, in 2020, Conad has turnurover around 18.22 billion US Dollar and employed 65,772 of people.
8.Coop Italia

Coop Italia is Italian cooperative that has main office in Reno, Italia. Historically, this cooperative was founded in Turin in 1854. Along with business development, this cooperative has 1.4 thousand of shops. Financially, in 2020, the Coop Italia has turnover around 16.45 billion US Dollar and this cooperative employed 57,450 of people.
9.Co-operative Group Limited

Co-operative Group Limited is a retail and wholesale cooperative that has its main office on Manchester, England, United Kingdom. Historically, this cooperative was founded in August 11st, 1863. Operationally, Co-operative Group Limited has developed some business in different sectors. Some of them are Grocery retail (Co-op Food), Grocery wholesaler & franchising (Nisa), Funerals and pre-paid funeral plans (Co-op Funeralcare), Insurance services, Legal services (Co-op Legal Services), Land and property investment (Co-op Property), Energy services & consultancy (Co-op Power) and others. Financially, in 2020, Co-operative Group Limited has a turnover of around 14.71 billion US Dollar and employed 65,218 of people.
10.John Lewis Partnership PLC

The John Lewis Partnership is trading cooperative that has its main office in Victoria Street, London. Basically, this cooperative has two retail brands well-known brands namely, John Lewis and Waitrose. Along with business development, The John Lewis Partnership 34 John Lewis shops plus one outlet and 332 Waitrose shops across the UK. Financially, in 2020, John Lewis Partnership has turnover around 13.81 billion US Dollar has employed around 80,900 of people.
Bibliography of 10 10 World’s Biggest Wholesale and Retail Cooperatives
International Cooperative Alliance. 2022.World Cooperative Monitor (Exploring the cooperative economy). accessed via https://monitor.coop/sites/default/files/2022-11/WCM_2022.pdf on Janury 8th, 2023.
REWE Group. Accessed via https://www.rewe-group.com/en/ on January 8th, 2023.
ACDLEC Leclerc. Accessed via https://www.e.leclerc/ on January 8th, 2023.
Edeka Zentrale. Accessed via https://www.edeka.de/ on January 8th, 2023.
Coop Swiss. 2023 Accessed via https://www.coop.ch/en/ on January 9th, 2023
Migros. 2023 Accessed via https://www.migros.ch/en on January 9th, 2023
Conad. 2023 Accessed via https://www.conad.it/ on January 9th, 2023
Coop Italia. 2023 Accessed via https://www.e-coop.it/ on January 9th, 2023
Co-operative Group Limited. 2023 Accessed via https://www.co-operative.coop/ on January 9th, 2023
John Lewis Partnership PLC. 2023 Accessed via https://www.johnlewispartnership.co.uk/ on January 9th, 2023