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10 World's Largest Countries of Organic Agricultural Land

10 World’s Largest Countries with Organic Agricultural Land-According to the Report entitled by “The World of Organic Agriculture report by FiBL & IFOAM in 2021”, there are 10 World’s Largest Countries with Organic Agricultural Land in 2019.

10 World's Largest Country With Organic Agricultural Land

From time to time, organic agriculture is one of the main developing topics in the future because many people aware of getting and consuming the healthy foods. Many farmers developed the organic agriculture techniques because of many advantages relating to economic, environment, and social aspects. According to  Codex Alimentarius Commission relating to Guidelines For The Production, Processing, Labelling And Marketing of Organically Produced Foods developed by the joint organizations between Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO), organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which minimize the use of external inputs, avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers, genetically engineered/modified organisms (GEO/GMO), and pesticides with the primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people (FAO/WHO, 2001).

The Rank of World’s Largest Countries with Organic Agricultural Land Based on Continental Regions

RankContinentTotal Organic Agricultural Land in 2019
1Oceania        35.9 million
2Europe        16.5 million
3Asia        5.9 million
4North America        3.6 million
5Africa        2 million

Source: The World of Organic Agriculture (IFOAM&FiBL), 2021

In the continental regions, according to the report entitled “The World of Organic Agriculture report” by FiBL & IFOAM, the organic agricultural land has spread across into several regions. The Oceania region has the largest area of organic agricultural land with total areas around 35.9 million hectares followed by Europe with organic agricultural areas of around 16.5 million hectares. Asia also had large organic agriculture areas around 5.9 million tons. Meanwhile, North America and Africa had minor areas of organic agricultural land around 3.6 million and 2 million hectares, respectively.

In the country’s regions, there are also 10 world’s largest countries with organic agricultural land in 2019. Here is the rank of world’s largest countries with organic agricultural land in 2019. All the data came from the report entitled by “The World of Organic Agriculture report” in 2021.

The Rank of 10 World’s Largest Countries with Organic Agricultural Land in 2019

RankCountries             Total Organic Agricultural Land in 2019
2Argentina                                3,672,350
4United States of America2,326,651

Source: The World of Organic Agriculture (IFOAM&FiBL), 2021

Brief Description of 10 World’s Largest Countries with Organic Agricultural Land in 2019

10 World’s Largest Countries with Organic Agricultural Land

1. Australia

Australia still became the world’s largest country with total agricultural land in 2019. Statistically, the total agricultural land in Australia reached 35,687,799 hectares. Commonly, it accounted for 8% total agricultural land in Australia. Geographically, in Australia, the main regions of organic agricultural land located in South Australia and Queensland. Specifically, the total organic agricultural land in South Australia (SA) and Queensland (QLD) were around 14.1 million hectares and 10.6 million hectares, respectively. Meanwhile, the other organic area but in relatively small located in Western Australia (WA) and New South Wales (NSW). The total agricultural lands in Australia (WA) and New South Wales (NSW) were around 4.6 million hectares and 3.6 million hectares, respectively (Paul & Hennig, 2018).

Furthermore, in Australia, there are The Australian Certified Organic Standard which becomes one of the most popular organic standards relating to organic production. This certified was published by Australian Organic. In addition, Australian Certified Organic Standard (ACO) is approved and accredited to function as a certifier in Australia by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.

2. Argentina     

Argentina became the 2nd world’s largest country with agricultural land in 2019. According to The World of Organic Agriculture report by FiBL & IFOAM in 2021, the total agricultural land in Argentina reached 3,672,350 hectares. Commonly, some of organic products from Argentina include wool, honey, grains, oilseeds, and processed organic products such as sugar, yerba mate and wine.

Geographically, in Argentina, the organic activities consist of livestock and crops agriculture. The organic livestock area was around more than 3 million hectares and mainly concentrated in Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra Del Fuego, and Rio Negro. Meanwhile, organic crops farming in Argentina located mostly in Buenos Aires, Salta, Rio Negros, Entre Rios (USDA, 2012). Legally, there is an organic certification companies in Argentina. Organización Internacional Agropecuaria (OIA) is the leader relating to organic certification in this country. Furthermore, OIA has an authorization from SENASA and IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements)

3. Spain

Spain still had the largest agricultural land in Europe region in 2019. According to the report of According to the entitled by “The World of Organic Agriculture report by FiBL & IFOAM in 2021”, the total agricultural land in Spain reached 2,354,916 hectares. Geographically, in Spain, the organic agrucultural land located in Andalusia,  followed by Castilla La Mancha, and Catalonia. Based on crops, the organic farming products in spain consist of Nuts, Olive, Cereal gran, Vineyard, and others.

4. United States of America       

The United States of America has large agricultural land in 2019. According to The World of Organic Agriculture report by FiBL & IFOAM in 2021, the total agricultural land in The United States of America (USA) reached 2,326,551 hectares. Geographically, in USA, there are some state with highest certification of organic farms. These Include California, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, and Iowa.

In this country, organic products in the United States are certified by the USDA. There are four different organics labels released by USDA. These are “100 Percent Organic” (label any product that contains 100% of organic ingredients), “Organic” (Any product that contains a minimum of 95% of organic ingredients (excluding salt and water)),  “Made with Organic ______” (Product contains at least 70% of organically produced ingredients with a number of detailed constraints regarding ingredients that comprise the nonorganic portion), Specific Organic Ingredient Listings (Specific organic ingredients may be listed in the ingredient statement of products containing < 70 % of organic contents).

5. India

India still became the country with largest organic agricultural land in Asian region. According to the report entitled “The World of Organic Agriculture report” by FiBL & IFOAM. The organic agricultural land achieved 2,299,222 hectares. Some of the organic certification institutions in India, namely by the Natural Organic Certification Association (NOCA), Association for Promotion of Organic Farming (APOF), Control Union (Skal International), Indian Organic Certification Agency (Indocert), IMO Control Pvt Ltd, Lacon Quality Certification Pvt Ltd, Uttaranchal Organic Commodity Board (UOCB) (Ramesh et al., 2010). According to Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) in 2022, the main states with largest organic agricultural land in India located in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Odisha, and Uttarakhand.

6. France           

Compared to other European country, France also had large agriculture land in 2019 with total agricultural land around 2,240,797 hectares. In France, some of organic products are vegetable and fruits. Geographically, the main regions of organic vegetables production in France located in Brittany, the Rhone Valley, and the Southwest with some of the leading organic vegetable products based on hectarage are potatoes, cabbage, lentils, pumpkins, lettuce, artichokes, and others. Meanwhile, the main production of organic fruit located in France can be found in the Rhone Valley, the Mediterranean rim, and the Southwest with the leading products based on the hectarage are chestnuts, apples, plums, apricots, kiwifruit, almonds, and cherries. In France, Organic certification can be known from “AB – agriculture biologique”. Basically, AB trademark which refers to French organic agricultural and livestock products.

7. China             

China is next country with large organic agricultural land in 2019. Based on the report entitled “The World of Organic Agriculture report” by FiBL & IFOAM, the organic agricultural land reached 2,216,000 hectares. Geographically, in China, there are some main organic areas based on organic acreage in 2021. Specifically, Xinjiang, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, and Guizhou were the top five provinces in terms of organic acreage in 2018 and these five provinces account for 74% of China’s organic acreage (OABC,2020). Relating to organic development in China, the government of China launched China National Organic Product Certification Program which aims to protect ecological environment and enhance the quality of organic products.

8. Uruguay        

Uruguay also had large organic agricultural land in 2019. Based on the report entitled “The World of Organic Agriculture report” by FiBL & IFOAM, the organic agricultural land in Uruguay reached 2,143,640 hectares. The organic area account for 7% of the total agricultural area and the certification of organic products in Uruguay is regulated by the “National System of Organic Production Certification” (Dirección Nacional de Impresiones y Publicaciones Oficiales (IMPO)) founded on December 28th, 1990 (Gazzano, 2017).  

9. Italy 

Italy had organic agricultural land reached 1,993,225 hectares. Geographically, in Italy, some of the organic farming region can be found in Sicilia, Apulia, Tuscany, Calabria, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, and Sardinia. Overall, Organic farms in Italy account for 6.2% of total farms. Most of the organic areas by acreages was intended for permanent grassland (551,074 ha), plants harvested green (396,748 ha), cereals (330,284 ha), organic olive groves (242,708 ha) and vineyards (109,423 ha) in 2019 (Sinab, 2020).

10. Germany       

Germany had huge organic agricultural land reaching 1,613,785 hectares in 2019. Geographically, in Germany, the main region of organic agriculture can be found in Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, Bradenburg, Mecklenburg- Western Pomerani, Lower Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt. Furthermore, many organic associations can be found in Germany. Some of them are Bioland and Demeter associations, Naturland, Biokreis, Bundesverband Ökologischer Weinbau, Gäa, Ecoland, Biopark and Verbund Ökohöfe. In addition, the organic products in germany have Bio-Siegel label.

11. Canada       

Canada had large organic agricultural land reaching 1,321,072 hectares. In Canada, the organic certification was conducted by third-party certification bodies which have been approved by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Geographically, based on acreage of organic land, the main area of organic land in Canada can be found in Saskatchewan account for 37% of Canada’s organic lands, followed by British Columbia (25%) and Alberta (17%) (Cota, 2017).

The Summary of 10 World’s Largest Countries with Organic Agricultural Land

The Rank of 10 World’s Largest Countries with Organic Agricultural Land

Bibliographies of 10 World’s Largest Countries with Organic Agricultural Land in 2019

FiBL & IFOAM. 2021. The World of Organic Agriculture (Statisticas & Emerging Trends 2021). IFOAM-Organics International and FiBL. Available at: https://www.fibl.org/fileadmin/documents/shop/1150-organic-world-2021.pdf.

FAO/WHO. 2001.Guidelines for The Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods. Available at: https://www.fao.org/3/at715e/at715e.pdf

Paull, J., & Hennig, B. (2018). Maps of organic agriculture in Australia. Journal of organics, 5(1), 29-39.

USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. 2012.Argentina (Organic Products). Available at:https://apps.fas.usda.gov/newgainapi/api/Report/DownloadReportByFileName?fileName=Organic+Products+-+2012_Buenos+Aires_Argentina_6-8-2012.pdf

USDA. Labelling Organic Products. Available at : https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/organic/labeling#4%20labels

Ramesh, P., Panwar, N. R., Singh, A. B., Ramana, S., Yadav, S. K., Shrivastava, R., & Rao, A. S. (2010). Status of organic farming in India. Current science, 1190-1194.

China Beijing Organic and Beyond Corporation (OABC). 2020. Organic Agriculture in China (2020). Available at: http://www.oabc.cc/about/pdf/Oganic%20Agriculture%20in%20China(2020).pdf 

Sistema Informativo Nazionale Agricoltura Biologica (Sinab). 2020. Facts and Figures on Organic Farming in Italy 2020. Available at: https://www.sinab.it/sites/default/files/Facts%20and%20figures%202020%20EN.pdf

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. 2022. Organic Farming in Germany. Available at: https://www.bmel.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/EN/Publications/Organic-Farming-in-Germany.html

Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA). 2017. Organic Agriculture in Canada: By the Numbers

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