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13 World’s Largest Country Producers of Copper


13 World’s Largest Country Producers of Copper


13 World’s Largest Country Producers of Copper in 2023-- Based on the U.S. Geological Survey in 2024, there are 13 World’s biggest Copper Producers. Commonly, in the world, copper has diverse usefulness to the global industries. Functionally in human’s life, It indirectly helps improve people's quality of life. Copper is essential for making components of electric wires, construction materials, vehicle parts, water purification systems, and more.

13 World’s Largest Country Producers of Copper

From time to time, Copper production has been stable and tends to increase. According to statistical data from the U.S. Geological Survey in 2024, global copper production reached 22 million tons in 2023. In comparison, production was 21.9 million tons in 2022. Of course, This data indicates that human dependence on copper remains high, and copper continues to be an important material and commodity in human life.

Based on the Report of U.S. Geological Survey, 2024, there are ten worlds’ biggest copper producers in 2023. These countries have a natural resource advantage, allowing them to mine copper to meet domestic needs and export it to other countries. Here is the Top Rank of 13 World’s Biggest Country Producers of Copper in 2023.


The Rank of 13 World’s Biggest Country Producers of Copper in 2023




Copper Production in 2023

Copper Production in 2022


Total Reserves of Copper

(Thousand Tons)

(Thousand Tons)


(Thousand Tons)














Congo, D.R.












United States of America





















































Source: U.S. Geological Survey, 2024



Brief Description of 13 World’s Biggest Country Producers of Copper in 2023


King of Copper Country Producers



1. Chile 

Chile becomes the world’s largest country producer of copper in 2023. Based on the data of U.S. Geological Survey in 2024, the production of Chile’s copper reached 5 million tons. In this country, the main copper mining areas are in the Norte Grande region in the Atacama Desert. In this country, Copper can be a driver of the economic sector because the mining of copper has contributed an average of 10% for Chile’s gross domestic product (GDP) for the last two decades. Besides, copper from Chile is exported to other countries and can influence the availability of jobs.

2. Peru

In 2023, Peru became the world's second-largest copper producer. Statistically, the copper production from Peru reached 2.6 million tons. Geographically, some of the primary areas of copper production are located in Cerro Verde Mine, Antamina Mine, Las Bambas Project, Toquepala Mine, and Toromocho Project. In this country, the production of copper from Peru is exported to some countries, namely South Korea, China, and Japan.

3. Congo, D.R.   

Congo is the fourth biggest producer of copper in 2023. Based on the U.S. Geological Survey in 2024, the total production of copper from Congo is up to 2.5 million tons. Based on the area of copper in Congo, the mining area located in Copper Belt of the southern Katanga Province and Kamoa-Kakula mine project is one of the richest copper deposits in Congo. Besides, the corporation also has a vital role to help the production of copper in Congo. Gécamines, Anvil Mining, and Metorex are some companies that have exploration sites in this country.


4. China

China became the third biggest producer of copper in 2023. Based on the U.S. Geological Survey in 2024, the total production of copper from China reached 1.7 million tons. Geographically, some copper mining areas can be traced into some sites. These are Dexing Mine, Yulong Mine, Pulang Copper Mine, Zijinshan Gold & Copper Mine, and Jiama Mine. Although China has huge production of copper, this country still imports copper from Chile, Peru, Australia, and Mexico.

5. United States of America        

The United States of America is the 5th world’s biggest producer of copper in the world. Accumulatively, the total production of copper from The United States of America reaches 1.1 million tons. In the main aspects of production, there are some states that have become the biggest production of copper. These states are Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and Montana. As one the biggest countries in industries, copper in the U.S.A. is used in construction and electric equipment. Despite the huge production of copper in the domestic area, this country still imports the copper from the other countries, namely Chile, Canada, Peru, and Mexico.

6. Russia            

Russia becomes the seventh biggest producer of copper. In 2023, the total production of copper reached 910 thousand tons. Some areas of copper mining are spread into some areas, namely Orenburg Oblast, Murmansk Oblast, Republic of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Zabaykalsky Krai. Specifically, some copper mining sites in Russia are Gaisky Mine Complex, Kola MMC Mine, Uchalinsk Mine, Mikheevsky Gok Zao Mine, and Chita Mine.

7. Indonesia

Besides China, Indonesia also has huge production of copper in 2023 from the Asian Region. Statistically, the production of copper from China reached 840 thousand tons. Based on the geographical areas, the copper mining sites in Indonesia can be found in the Grasberg mine (in Papua), Batu Hijau mine (Wet Nusa Tenggara), and the Wetar Copper Project (maluku). Grasberg Mine is explored by Freeport McMoran (USA-based mining company), Batu Hijau mine Located in West Nusa Tenggara, explored by Amman Mineral Internasional, and Wetar Copper Project Located in Maluku, explored by Merdeka Copper Gold. 

8. Australia        

Australia is the 8th world biggest country producer of copper. In 2023, the total production of copper from Australia reached 810 thousand tons. In this country, there are some sites that have enormous amounts of copper deposits. The Olympic Dam copper-uranium-gold deposit in South Australia and the Mount Isa copper-lead-zinc deposit in Queensland are some of the areas with the biggest deposits of copper in Australia.

9. Zambia           

Zambia is the 9th world’s biggest country producer of copper in 2023. Statistically, the production of copper from Zambia reached 760 thousand tons. Geographically Zambia's copper mines are in the Copperbelt. This area is close to the towns of Ndola, Kitwe, Chingola, Mufulira, Luanshya, Kalulushi and Chililabombwe.

10. Mexico        

Mexico is the 10th world’s biggest country producer of copper. Statistically, the total production of copper from Mexico reached 750 thousand tons. In this country, Sonora and Zacatecas are the main regions of copper mining in Mexico. Specifically, there are some copper sites in this country. These sites are Buenavista del Cobre Mine, La Caridad Mine, Tayahua Mine, Piedras Verdes Mine, Milpillas Copper Mine are some of copper mining sites in Mexico.

11. Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is the 11th world’s biggest country producer of copper in 2023. Based on the report from U.S. Geological Survey 2024, the production of copper from Kazakhstan reached 600 thousand tons. One of the main sites of the copper mining area is Bozshakol. A large scale and open pit copper mine located in the Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan.

12. Canada

Canada is the 12th world’s largest country producer of copper in 2023. Statistically, according to the U.S. Geological Survey in 2024, the production of copper from Canada reached 480 thousand tons. Geographically, some copper mining areas in Canada can be found in several region, namely British Columbia Region (Gibraltar mine, Highland Valley Copper mine, Mount Polley mine, New Afton mine), Newfoundland and Labrador (Duck Pond Mine), and Ontario (Coldstream copper mine and Coleman Mine).

13. Poland

Poland is the 13th world’s largest country producer of copper in 2023. Accurately, the production of copper from poland reached 400 thousand tons. Geographically, in Poland, some copper areas are explored in three underground mines, namely Lubin, Polkowice-Sieroszowice and Rudna.


The Summary of 13 world’s Biggest Country Producers of Copper in 2023


The Rank of 13 World’s Largest Country Producers of Copper in 2023

Bibliography of 13 world’s Biggest Country Producers of Copper in 2023


U.S. Geological Survey. 2024. Copper. Accessed via https://www.usgs.gov/centers/national-minerals-information-center/copper-statistics-and-information  on January 20th, 2025.

International Organizing Committee of The World Mining Congresses. 2021.World Data Mining 2021. Accessed via https://www.world-mining-data.info/?World_Mining_Data___PDF-Files on January 18th, 2022.

Carmen. 2021. Five largest copper mines in Peru in 2020. Accessed via https://www.mining-technology.com/marketdata/five-largest-copper-mines-peru-2020/ on January 17th, 2022.

Carmen. 2021. Five largest copper mines in China in 2020. Accessed via https://www.mining-technology.com/marketdata/five-largest-copper-mines-china-2020/ on January 17th, 2022.

Wikipedia. Copper mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Accessed via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo on January 17th, 2022.

Australian Government. Copper. Accessed via https://www.ga.gov.au/data-pubs/data-and-publications-search/publications/australian-minerals-resource-assessment/copper on January 17th, 2022.

Copper Mining in Russia. Accessed via https://investingnews.com/daily/resource-investing/base-metals-investing/copper-investing/copper-mining-in-russia/ on January 17th, 2022.

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