Top Biggest Producers of Quinoa- According to FAO Statistical Corporate Database (FAOSTAT), there are Top Biggest Producers of Quinoa in 2021. Basically, the Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is one of the main sources of nutritious foods. the content of edible seeds is rich in protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, and dietary minerals in amounts greater than in many other grains.

Taxonomically, according to Integrated Taxonomic Information System (IT IS), this crop can be classified into Division: Tracheophyta – vascular plants (tracheophytes); Subdivision: Spermatophytina – spermatophytes; Class: Magnoliopsida; Superorder : Caryophyllanae; Order: Caryophyllales; Family: Amaranthaceae – pigweed (amaranthes);Genus: Chenopodium L. – goosefoot; Species: Chenopodium quinoa Willd. – quinoa. Because of its classification into Amaranthaceae family, this crop has a closed relation with spinach (Spinacia oleracea), beet (Beta vulgaris), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), and alligatorweed (Alternanthera philoxeroides).
Historically, the Quinoa was first botanically described by Willdenow in 1778 as a species native to South America, whose centre of origin in the Andean of Bolivia and Peru. Up to now, the region of quinoa cultivation is still in a specific area in South America, and maybe with increasing the popularity of quinoa, the cultivation area can be extended into some areas.
The Harvested Areas and World’s Production of Quinoa from 1970 to 2021
Years | Harvested Area | World’s Production |
(hectare/(ha) | (tonnes) | |
1970 | 29,570 | 17,747 |
1971 | 31,035 | 17,645 |
1972 | 29,020 | 17,742 |
1973 | 30,250 | 19,830 |
1974 | 31,470 | 20,877 |
1975 | 34,268 | 24,642 |
1976 | 37,865 | 25,136 |
1977 | 45,147 | 21,214 |
1978 | 40,269 | 19,391 |
1979 | 30,386 | 16,286 |
1980 | 35,574 | 25,759 |
1981 | 41,694 | 26,252 |
1982 | 46,609 | 32,824 |
1983 | 57,489 | 20,362 |
1984 | 51,785 | 30,847 |
1985 | 59,868 | 29,189 |
1986 | 56,551 | 30,739 |
1987 | 60,803 | 34,127 |
1988 | 69,705 | 39,440 |
1989 | 58,751 | 34,454 |
1990 | 47,585 | 23,012 |
1991 | 60,868 | 38,367 |
1992 | 48,604 | 22,820 |
1993 | 57,330 | 36,779 |
1994 | 59,549 | 36,456 |
1995 | 56,729 | 32,995 |
1996 | 57,297 | 40,123 |
1997 | 66,313 | 50,358 |
1998 | 70,234 | 49,400 |
1999 | 66,742 | 51,849 |
2000 | 67,036 | 52,626 |
2001 | 63,474 | 45,886 |
2002 | 66,268 | 54,846 |
2003 | 67,615 | 55,540 |
2004 | 67,243 | 52,326 |
2005 | 68,863 | 58,443 |
2006 | 73,328 | 57,962 |
2007 | 76,815 | 59,115 |
2008 | 78,532 | 57,777 |
2009 | 95,050 | 74,353 |
2010 | 95,979 | 79,636 |
2011 | 101,166 | 84,198 |
2012 | 172,239 | 97,410 |
2013 | 194,770 | 117,718 |
2014 | 185,768 | 186,147 |
2015 | 197,637 | 193,822 |
2016 | 185,985 | 158,865 |
2017 | 173,242 | 146,735 |
2018 | 179,389 | 159,737 |
2019 | 184,163 | 161,053 |
2020 | 188,944 | 175,280 |
2021 | 191,676 | 147,038 |
Source:FAOSTAT, 2023 |
Statistically, the world’s harvested areas and production of quinoa is in a growing trend. The harvested areas of Quinoa in 1970 were in 29 thousand hectares (ha) and in 2021, the harvested areas become 191 thousand hectares. Meanwhile, the output of quinoa seed in the same trend with an output of around 17 thousand tonnes in 1970, and in 2021, it had become 147 thousand tonnes.
Basically, based on the country region, there are some countries that have huge production of Quinoa, Here is the rank of the biggest producers of Quinoa. All of the data was obtained from FAO Statistical Corporate Database (FAOSTAT) in 2021.
The Rank of Top Biggest Producers of Quinoa
Rank | Countries | Productions of Quinoa in 2021 |
(Tonnes) | ||
1 | Peru | 106,756 |
2 | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | 38,800 |
3 | Ecuador | 1,482 |
Source : FAOSTAT, 2023 |
Brief Description of Top Biggest Producers of Quinoa
Peru still becomes the biggest producer of Quinoa in 2021. Statistically, according to FAO Statistical Corporate Database (FAOSTAT) in 2021, the production of quinoa seed from Peru reached 106,756 tonnes. Geograhically, the cultivation and production areas of Quinoa in Peru can be found in the Cajamarca, Callejón de Huayllas, Valle del Mantaro, Andahuayllas, Cuzco, and Puno
2.Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Bolivia is the 2nd biggest producer of Quinoa in 2021. According to FAO Statistical Corporate Database (FAOSTAT, 2021), the production of Quinoa from Bolivia reached 38,800 tonnes. Geographically, in Bolivia, there are some cultivation regions of Quinoa. These areas include the Altiplano of La Paz, Oruro and Potosi and the valleys of Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, Potosi and Tarija.
3. Ecuador
Ecuador is the 3rd biggest producer of Quinoa in 2021. Statistically, the production of Quinoa reached 1,482 tonnes. Geographically, the main cultivation areas of Quinoa in Ecuador can be found in Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Loja, Latacunga, Ambato and Cuenca.
Besides some regions above, there are some regions that has cultivation areas of Quinoa Based the report entitled “The ancient crop of quinoa for world food security” by G. Camaggio and Amicarelli.. Some areas of Quinoa can be found in:
1. Columbia
In Columbia, the cultivation and production area can be found in the Department of Nariño, in the towns of Ipiales, Puesres, Contadero, Cordova,San Juan, Mocondino and Pasto.
2. Chile
The cultivation of Quinoa in Chile can be found in the Chilean Altiplano (Isluga and Iquique) and Concepción. There are also reports of quinoa grown in the IXth and Xth Regions
3. Argentina
the cultivation of Quinoa can be found in Jujuy and Salta. Its cultivation was also extended to the Calchaquíes valleys of Tucumán
Bibliography of Top Biggest Producers of Quinoa Bibliography of Top Biggest Producers of Quinoa
Camaggio, G. and Amicarelli, V., 2014. The ancient crop of quinoa for world food security. Micniakiewicz M. & Popek S. Commodity Science in Research and Practice-Future Trends and Challenges in Food Sector, 1, pp.31-45.
FAOSTAT. 2023. Production quantities of Quinoa by country. Accessed via on March 26, 2023.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System. 2023. Chenopodium quinoa Willd (Taxonomic Serial No.: 506567). Accessed via on March 26, 2023.